Frequently Asked Questions


What is a Clairvoyant/Medium?

A Clairvoyant is someone who has the ability to experience psychic phenomena in a visual way. There are two other ways people receive communication - clairaudience is the ability to hear information, clairsentience which means clear feeling. A person may possess one or more of those gifts.

A psychic is not necessarily a medium, but a medium has psychic gifts. Mediums communicate with spirits such as those who have died, spirit guides, angels, etc. While a clairvoyant will tune into the energy of people or objects using intuition, a medium will tune into the spirit energy surrounding a person.


Why do people choose to visit a Medium/Psychic?

There are many reasons why someone chooses to visit a medium/ psychic. It could be that they are seeking help or guidance. They may be facing a difficulty in their life and need a higher perspective. It could be that they need help from a loved one that has departed, and they wish to reach out to them if possible. People come who are at crossroads in life and don't know which way to turn. Some come out of loneliness, whilst others come seeking peace of mind.

A medium/psychic is not a fortuneteller. No one can predict the future. If we did have this ability, think of all of the major disasters we could have adverted in life, our own and those that have a global effect. Rather a medium will give guidance and message from a higher source, whether you call that source, angels, guides, Spiritual guides, God, or whatever you feel comfortable with. A medium should never give advice, that’s not their job. They simply will provide guidance and direction, and where possible, messages from loved ones.

...a medium will give guidance and message from a higher source.

A medium will also provide what’s called “proof of survival”. This means that the medium needs to provide evidence that they are indeed communicating with the departed soul who is claiming to be in contact. For example, it is easy for a medium to be speaking with “Grandma”. Most Grandmothers will have grey hair, be good at cooking and wear a jumper. This could be any number of Grandmothers. What the medium most demonstrate is more detail, evidence that is irrefutable.

A lot of people go to Spiritualist Churches wanting messages from loved ones. Often they can visit the church for months if not years hoping for a message. Visiting mediums come and go and hope fades, until one day they receive the message. Why? Our loved ones in Spirit are particular about who they want to connect with. The same way in which you would be careful with an important message you wouldn’t just give anyone you had met for the first time with such a responsibility.

How do I prepare for a reading or consultation with a Medium/Psychic?

I always suggest that you have a list of questions that you would like answers or guidance on. The same way you would prepare for any meeting, have your questions ready. Readings cannot be guaranteed and nor can they be recorded by any device, (for legal reasons). Have a notepad and pen ready. Try to avoid writing verbatim; otherwise, you may more focus on writing things down rather than listening to important information that is being given. Take brief notes and make bullet points. If you are given information that doesn't make sense, park it and go back to it later on

Loved ones, or those in Spirit, may not always answer your questions. They might give other information, which may be more relevant or pertinent at the time. Sometimes the information given may not make sense at that time. Many people have a light bulb moment as information suddenly makes sense after the reading. Often it won't make sense to the Medium, it isn’t meant to and it is not up to them to interpret information, just to give the information intended for you.

It is natural to feel slightly apprehensive; there is no need to be. Mediums by their nature are kind, patient, caring people, whose only desire to help.



How long does a reading take?

Most readings take an hour. Many times there is a lot of information that is given. The time will pass very quickly. The reading can take place over the phone, through Zoom or on a one to one meeting. It shouldn’t make any difference to the medium.

Why has the number of people consulting Mediums significantly increased?

It is true there is an increase of people reaching out for help. At a universal level, the world we live is changing and will continue to do so. There is a lot of suffering and darkens in the world. The media focuses on what is wrong with world rather what is right. Good news doesn’t sell papers!

People are turning away from other methods that previously seemed to give the answers. The realisation that the answers can no longer be found in the bottom of a bottle, happiness is short lived through the material, physical world, pain is only masked through anti-depressants, or adrenaline filled pursuits. People are seeking a deeper understanding of their life, the purpose of their life, and how to deal with the challenges that are thrown in our direction.

There is more depression, bad debt and illness on earth than ever before. People want answers and how to cope with life. They are searching for meaning and how to make sense of the complex world.

There is more depression, bad debt and illness on earth than ever before. People want answers and how to cope with life.

We are spiritual beings living a human existence, so it is not about becoming more Spiritual to become more human. It's about how to deal with the myriad of emotions and obstacles that we face in life.

Everything is temporary. All things pass, both good and bad. If we can tap into a higher guidance, surely this will help.

The readings normally last an hour. It is best to come with a list of three to six questions, or a specific areas that you want help with.

Debbie is available by telephone, Zoom and for one-to-one readings or sittings.

Please get in touch to book a session. She will then send you a PayPal link and once payment is received, Debbie will confirm your booking. Zoom is one option or she will give you a telephone number to call.


What happens during an intuitive scan with Debbie?

First, Debbie will take permission to place her hands on the client’s body, typically by placing her hand, on the client’s arm. She then gives the client a piece of paper and pen and they write down what their body intuitively reveals. Everything is set up so the client feels relaxed and everything is very natural.

Can I ask Debbie to intuitively scan for a particular issue?

Yes, you can. A client may have had a feeling prior to the consultation that they could have a food intolerance, but are unsure. This is an ideal way to quickly confirm or not, if the client’s initial feeling was correct.


 Debbie shares her experience:

The body ‘fires’ a list of foods at me and the client has to be pretty quick at writing them down.

Stress, worry, lack of sleep and eating the wrong foods can all have an effect and throw the body out of balance. I am often amazed at the intelligence of the body. It knows exactly what it wants, where these imbalances lie, and how to fix them.

I love what I do and I marvel at how complex our bodies are. Of course, I believe that there is the natural and intuitive link between the Mind, Body, Soul and Spirit.
— Debbie Loring, 2018