Medical Intuitive

Our body, mind and soul are all linked; changes in one have an effect the other. Our body is constantly trying to achieve homeostasis (balance) and for us to succeed, we need to listen to our bodies. In fact, as we grow, we begin to forget how to listen to our bodies. 

When we were young, we knew exactly what we wanted and when. A young child of 3 years old says “Mummy I’m hungry.” If it’s only 12pm and it has already been decided that lunch is at 1pm, the child is invariable told to wait.  Therefore, the child may begin to grumble and is given a snack to keep them going.  Our bodies have little or no knowledge of constructed time, i.e. the time on a watch or phone or computer.


Furthermore, a child will develop a taste for foods, which are agreeable, or not according to their own bodies and may not eat certain foods, especially vegetables. Others will tell them “No, eat your greens they are good for you.” Good for whom exactly? The child, intrinsically knows what is good, since their brains haven’t yet been pre-conditioned.

There are many examples of this: - When we are young, we know when we feel tired and if possible we sleep at that moment. As we grow into adulthood, we can’t usually sleep when we want to, since work or social responsibilities stop us.

We choose comfort foods which may not be particularly beneficial to our health and eat foods that are supposed to be good for us when in fact they may not be good for our particular bodies.  We refer to different diets to gain weight, lose weight, build mass, or to get rid of troublesome skins issues.

Yet as always, the answers lie within.

The body is communicating its needs to us, all the time. It has an intelligence in each one of its 37 trillion cells. Nearly all cells have a nucleus and each cell knows what to do. Our bodies have an infinite capacity to heal and replace themselves. In fact, every 7 to 10 years the body replaces itself completely and you are essentially a new you!

Debbie has worked with thousands of clients over the last 30 years, listening to people’s bodies and sharing what the body has to say. For example:

When Jeannette came for a session she was feeling lethargic and bloated. Debbie listened to Jeannette’s body by placing a hand on Jeanette’s arm.

Jeanette’s body revealed a long list of foods that it required, as well as foods that it no longer needed or wanted. When Debbie mentioned beetroot, Jeanette commented with surprise that she had been fancying beetroot for about two weeks and was going to buy some.

Her body also told her that it no longer wanted so much red meat and she was asked to reduce the quantity and improve the quality. Jeanette mentioned that she ate red meat out of habit as that was the way in which she had been brought up.