
The body has an incredible capacity to heal itself, if only we allow it time to do so. The mind can also heal, this is achieved by letting go of the past, allowing the future to unfold and focusing on the now. A positive mental attitude is proven to keep the mind healthy and active.

There are many names for healing, it is my belief that this energy comes from an external source, whether you call this God, Spirit, Angels, guides or the Universe, it exists and has been shown to help heal the physical body, mental and emotional body.

The healer is the conduit of the healing energy and directs it through the hand to the recipient’s body. Like water, which will find its own level, healing does the same. In placing the hands for example on the shoulders, the healing finds the area that requires the most attention.

If you can imagine that a laser is concentrated light, and it is experienced. In a way, the healer is the recipient of light and they conducted this light or healing energy to the intended subject. Animals humans and plants can be the recipients of healing.

Healing at a physical level can be experienced, as warmth or indeed coldness under the healer’s hands. Something that is different to our normal skin temperature.

It is also possible to send healing with a focused thought, which is sometimes called absent, distance healing, and collective healing.

Love, of course, is the greatest healer of all. Love overcomes almost all pain