How to overcome feeling anxious


There is so much anxiety in the world, fear of the future. How to we get help to cope with feelings of anxiety, can we find the answer within?

How to overcome feeling anxious

There’s so much anxiety in the world today. That anxiety can lead to fear, to depression, to a feeling of being disconnected, to feeling lonely. And then again, a fear of the future, of what may or may not be, can only further fuel our anxiety.

So then, what is the solution?

The solution, in essence, is quite simple. It’s a letting go of the past. Things that we wish we should have said and done. Or instances where we feel we shouldn’t have acted when we did. Acted in haste and repented at leisure. And yet the past is simply that - the past. So how about rather than regrets we look at the opportunities to learn, to take the wisdom from the past and apply it to the here and now, this moment in time. Rather than reliving the experience and the pain and suffering that past event may have had we take the wisdom and the learning and apply it.

As the for future what to fear?

For the future doesn’t exist. The only thing we have is our breath, that which we do now in this moment. Instead of fearing the future focus your intention on the potential of the future, how you wish it to be rather than focussing on a life that you do not desire.

Applying the learnings of the past, taken to the present moment and projected in anticipation of the potential of the future. Having faith and replacing worry for the future with faith and in doing so bringing your attention back into the body, to the breath you take now in this moment. To bring back thoughts which reach out to the future and bring them back to this present moment. The thoughts that reach back to the past, wishing that you could change something, bring it to the present moment. With all this energy in the present moment create the future which you desire and wish for and allow the future to unfold as it should do in its own time.


Yugen Wisdom can help you to overcome emotional blocks to living a happy and content life. Please contact us is you need additional, personalised support.