Channeling healing energy to animals


Our animal friends can be subject to many of the stresses, strains, imbalances and problems we face in our health as humans. Channeling healing energy to animals, offering a body tuning service, or perhaps you might like to call it optimisation, can work for animals as well as humans, and in many cases works better. We can struggle to know what pain or discomfort our animals are feeling, many might not show outward signs we can easily see or might cover it up and greet us with enthusiasm rather than outwardly displaying any signs of illness.

But when it comes to healing* and animals, it’s really very straightforward from my perspective. I have worked with a number of different animals, from racehorses, monkeys, leopards, parakeets and eagles to cats, dogs and sheep. Often beloved pets, friends and expensive assets, they all have the same thing in common: they accept healing as it is intended. Unlike their human counterparts who often question and find something as simple as the laying on of hands for the purpose of healing, to be far more complex than it actually is.

The first step with any animal is to allow them to approach you. An animal's instinct is finely tuned, and they instinctively know if you are friend or foe. As animals often observe the unseen, they work with energy really well. They will sit or stand and allow you to place your hands on the body so that the healing can take place. There is also a form of telepathy from the animal to the healing medium. Whilst working with an animal, they will communicate what is wrong, and where to place my hands. 

I did laugh once as a horse’s body told me that it needed more water. When I reported this to the owner and he replied, “how do I do that then?” I had forgotten the old adage which seems to be true with certain horses, “you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink”!

Skeptical owners are often surprised at the level of detail that I report back to them such as food that disagrees with them or where the site and source of pain is. I did laugh once as a horse’s body told me that it needed more water. When I reported this to the owner and he replied, “how do I do that then?” I had forgotten the old adage which seems to be true with certain horses, “you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink”!

Animals do heal more quickly than us and also need shorter periods of healing. Mainly because there isn’t the mind barrier, they just accept what is meant for them.

It is a joy to see a poorly animal being restored back to health and it is a privilege to be allowed to work with them for the purposes of healing. 

So if you feel your non-human friend is in a little less than optimal condition, it might be that they need the help to communicate an undiagnosed imbalance or issue and that’s where healing* for your animal might help to guide you in the right direction under the permission of your vet


*I don’t ever claim to heal! All I do is act as conduit for the healing from a greater source. I also always check with the vet for permission to work with the animal and we as healers never contradict or replace the advice from the vet. As Spiritual healing is recognised under the law in the UK and under the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966

Debbie Loring