How do Mediums tune in to objects?

Psychometry (not to confused with psychometrics) is nothing new. In fact, Joseph Rhodes Buchanan first discovered it in 1842 when he came up with the idea that all things give off an emanation. Before him was, of course, Socrates who said that everything is made up of energy rather than matter. One example of an energy field is an aura. Many people can see auras which are the electromagnetic fields that surround the body, they can be seen in a variety of colours and other philosophies refer to them as the Chakra system.

Google defines psychometry as:

“The supposed ability to discover facts about an event or person by touching inanimate objects associated with them.”   

Think of the humble business card and how much energy emanates from it. This is because firstly, it has your name on it and all of your details that are specific to you, as well as this, they are often kept close to your person - be it in a bag, wallet or holder. Therefore due to the fact that business cards are so specific and personalised they have an energy signature and a pattern that can be recognised by practitioners.

A businessman came to see me a few years ago. ‘John’ had a new boss who he couldn’t understand and was having trouble working with. They had already worked through the standard team dynamics of ‘Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing’ and yet there was something that John couldn’t understand about his new boss. He had heard about me and when he first arrived was somewhat skeptical to say the least. He even said, “You are my last resort, it’s seeing you or I resign.” He gave me his boss’s business card in a plain white envelope. I often ask people to do this so that I am not influenced by a business card’s details, such as the person’s name, company logo, colours etc. This type of psychometry is called ‘blind psychometry’. Often people will produce another person’s card that they want me to ‘tune into’ and I simply hold it between both hands without looking at it.

Then the fun begins. It’s not uncommon for the person who is sitting in front of me, the client, to have carried the card they want me to tune into alongside or next to their own cards. So, I have to first separate the energy of the two people, the client and the third party. Then, I can then sense the energy of the person which is what I am picking up on. I am normally about 85-90% accurate, which I think is pretty good.

I have noticed that unless the client is very close to the third party, they can’t always verify if the information is accurate or not. What is really interesting is that after the reading/session, the client will contact me to confirm that the information I have given to them, and having subsequently checked, has proven to be accurate. Often the client is mystified as to how I could have possibly known the information.

I have a lot of business people/ clients, who are about to either embark on a new business venture with a partner who they are unsure about and clients who are about to employee someone and they want confirmation of their decision.

Psychometry can be used to decide who to trust and support. I realised many years ago that one of the most prized human qualities which seems to be in short supply is trust. It is a big question in life and an everyday one, who can we really trust. The most important person who you can trust is of course is yourself. If you haven’t got that then trusting others will be a challenge!

Sensing the energy in objects for clairvoyant readings. A psychic medium is able to channel energy

Sensing the energy in objects for clairvoyant readings. A psychic medium is able to channel energy