Can anyone be a healer?

Could you become a healing medium? What does it take to learn how to use spiritual energy to heal others. Image Credit: Sahin Yesilyaprak

Could you become a healing medium? What does it take to learn how to use spiritual energy to heal others. Image Credit: Sahin Yesilyaprak

Everyone has the potential to heal. We need look no further than a loving mother who cradles her small child in her arms after the child has fallen down and grazed their knee. The mother’s soothing voice, her caresses and hands that hold her child safely all serve to calm the child down.  Holding the hand of a loved one during a time of anxiety or fear can be soothing and one could say healing. For a vast majority of people, the journey ends here.

In order to be a healing medium, first recognise that the healing energies that you receive are indeed a gift. This raw potential of healing needs to be developed and should be done so with due diligence and dedication. There is a need to become attuned with the spiritual energies, this takes patience and time. As I know from my own experience, the time taken to develop is determined by Spirit, not necessarily by the healing medium. The healing medium needs to create time so you must simply sit without expectation and learn to attune and become aware of the guidance which is being given through the vehicle of the mind, namely the intuition.

It is a mistake to think that the healing medium will suddenly become a world class healer overnight. Spirit will send the right patients to you to enable you to grow and develop as healing medium. Only they know if you are ready for patients who have increasingly complex issues. In order to be the very best healing medium, you must work diligently to allow Spirit to work with you as an instrument for healing.

Harry Edwards is one of the great healers of recent times. He proved the power of spiritual healing in front of numerous audiences large and small.

“Every healing is a planned act carried out by healing guides. They have a greater wisdom and overcome the cause of the disease and remove its symptoms and cause.
Those who have the gift of healing, the healing comes through us to those healing mediums who posses the Spiritual attunement, through which the healing is given. Through the connection from Spirit the healing medium can receive intuition and guidance to be passed on to the patient. The healing guide is the one that directs the healing and it is their responsibility to maintain a good connection. Before any healing can take place, the cause of the issue must be identified...often the cause of which exists in the patients’ mind”.

Harry Edwards

There is a need to control your own thoughts, so that you may attune with those who come to work with you from the Spiritual realms. Learning to quieten the mind, control the ego and tune into the subtleties of the spiritual guides.

The analogy I use, you recall the old fashioned “Roberts” radio, where there was a dial you turned endeavouring to tune to the desired radio station. To begin with tuning into a specific radio station and you are not sure at first what is exact frequency, is tough. So, you listen with a quiet determination, ignoring or indeed blanking out the interference and noise of other radio stations, until you finally find what you are searching for. Clearly like anything, the more you practice the better you become, and your attuning improves.

As with other disciplines of the mind such as yoga, you require a good teacher. Somebody that you can learn from and be guided by. There are two types of healers, those in Spirit and those in the physical world who are experienced healers, who can guide you. Listening and learning from both are very important.

A healthy body and an open mind is important for a healer as they must act as a channel through which to focus the high frequency energy they are passed. Having a positive mental attitude is also part of the potential of the healer. You must believe that someone can he helped to heal, because otherwise why do it? This is a humbling vocation in pursuit of the wellbeing of others that is not guided by money or fame, ask any healer this can often be a thankless task when faced with patients with difficult issues that they face.

Like anything with practice and dedication you will become better, your attuning will improve and see you go from strength to strength. It is said that in order to become an expert at anything it is stated that you need to practice for 10,000 hours! You may wish to join a development circle to help open up your intuitive abilities and connect with others who are also on a spiritual journey.

Could you be a channel for healing?